Ed Sheeran wants you!

Ed Sheeran wants folks to tap into their creativity.
In honor of his new album, the first on his own label Gingerbread Man, Sheeran is soliciting folks to make music videos for him.
He made the call to action on Wednesday in a video on his verified Instagram account.
“Autumn Variations is the first album I’m putting out on my own label, I really wanna make it the most fan-focused project I’ve done, so I want you guys to make the videos for it,” the caption on the video reads. “If you have any creative friends or family, tag them below, submit ideas with the full link in the bio. The best ideas will be made the official videos for the album. Can’t wait to see what you do ! Deadline is this Saturday.”
“You don’t have to be a professional video person, you can just be a creative person, art, whatever,” Sheeran added.
14 people from 14 different countries will be selected to make videos, Sheeran said.